Preschool Application
Family Information:
Please Select All That Apply:
Parents Married
Single Parent
Parents Divorced
Parents Separated
Father Deceased
Mother Deceased
School Notifications Should Be Sent to:
If parents are divorced or separated, is the non-custodial parent to receive a copy of the grade report?
Are there any restrictions on the non-custodial parent? If yes, please provide a court order.
Financial Responsibility Will Be Assumed By:
Other Family Information
Why have you chosen Excel Christian Preschool as an option for your child?
Please write a short paragraph describing what you expect your child to receive from his/her educational experience at Excel.
Tell us about your child's strengths, talents, and special abilities. What are you most proud of?
List name and address of prior preschool / daycare (if your child has attended another location)
Do you have children enrolled in Excel Academy
Is your child potty trained
Is your child able to feed themselves?
Is your child able to speak his/her name?
Is your child walking on his/her own?
Does applicant have any physical, emotional, or mental problems or handicaps that may affect activities or progress? Please explain below:
Has applicant had any discipline problems or been suspended or expelled?
Please explain below:
Has the student ever been professionally tested or diagnosed with any hearing, vision, speech issues, learning disabilities such as ADD/ADHD or any other?
If yes, please explain and provide a copy of the report.
Does the student have any food allergies, medical or drug-related concerns?
Please upload a recent photo of your child.
Please upload your ELC certificate (if applicable)
Please upload a family photo with custodial parents / legal guardians in the photo.
Please upload your child's immunization record.
Please carefully read the following information and sign below indicating that you have read and will abide by these policies.
All families are expected to abide by the financial policies detailed in the financial information packet.
All policies regarding fees, tuition, payment options and dates are detailed in the financial information packet.
There is a penalty for any returned checks.
Application fee is NOT refundable.
Materials fees are NOT refundable after 90 days of use.
ECA reserves the right to accept or deny admission based on the information provided in the completed application​
Required paperwork and medical forms (current school physical and immunization record) must be on file before the student will be admitted to class.
The school sets the 1st day date.
Students must be completely potty trained BEFORE entering K3. No pull-ups or training pants of any kind may be worn in K3.
Excessive restroom accidents (6 in a two week period) can result in your child needing to secure potty training before coming back. A
meeting with parent/guardian must happen to ensure training needs.
Students must be able to tend to restroom needs without assistance.
I understand that Excel Christian Preschool is a FAITH BASED school and my child will be required to learn God's word each day.
I understand that once I receive an offer of acceptance - I must pay all materials fees and 1st week tuition up front within 5 days or I may forfeit my spot.
I understand that my child cannot attend longer than 9 hours each day.
I have given or will give my child's school the release of records form and teacher evaluations.
I give Excel Christian Academy permission to request records and teacher evaluations from my child's school.
I understand that providing false information in this application is grounds for immediate expulsion.